Why Asphalt Driveways Develop Potholes in Lubbock, TX Winters

Asphalt Paving Repairs Lubbock TXEver wondered why winters in Lubbock, TX, seem to bring more potholes to your asphalt driveway? Zahn Paving shares insights on maintaining your driveway to ensure longevity amid the challenging freeze-thaw cycles.

In Lubbock winters, the constant temperature fluctuations cause asphalt to expand and contract, leading to the formation of potholes. To fortify your driveway against winter damage, consider proactive measures like installing asphalt patches, addressing driveway cracks, and opting for sealcoating before the heavy rainfall of the winter months.

How Potholes Manifest in Winter

Winter temperature fluctuations make small cracks and potholes in asphalt susceptible to further damage. Neglected pavement issues can escalate when the freezing temperatures cause trapped water underneath to expand, creating a void. As the ice melts with rising temperatures, the weakened pavement collapses into a pothole under the weight of vehicles.

Preventing Winter Potholes

Address potholes before winter sets in. A driveway paving contractor, like Zahn Paving, can offer temporary solutions using cold patch asphalt until the weather permits permanent repairs. After winter, engage an asphalt contractor to fill potholes and cracks. Enhance protection with driveway sealer against UV rays, precipitation, and automotive fluids.

Timing Matters for Pothole Repairs

Don’t wait until spring to fix potholes. Zahn Paving can utilize cold patch asphalt for blacktop driveways even in cold temperatures. While not a permanent solution, cold patch asphalt remains flexible in cold weather. It acts as a reliable interim fix until warm weather allows the installation of hot-mix asphalt.

Upon completion of work on a specific section, it can be reopened, allowing you to manage the inconvenience to you and your customers efficiently.

Lubbock Texas Chip Seal Paving

Request a Free Estimate

Zahn Paving, your reliable asphalt contractor in Lubbock, TX, is committed to preserving the functionality and aesthetics of your driveway. With paving in the area since 1981, we provide tailored solutions to extend the life of your asphalt. Request a free estimate for driveway repair by calling (806) 748-1877. Let us assist you in maintaining the longevity of your asphalt.