How to Manage Parking Lot Closure for Asphalt Paving in Lubbock, TX

Parking Lot Paving Lubbock TX

If your parking lot in Lubbock, TX, is in need of asphalt paving or sealcoating, organizing an alternative parking arrangement for employees or tenants becomes a necessity.

Recognizing the inconvenience of closing your parking lot, Zahn Paving is committed to streamlining asphalt repairs and maintenance for a hassle-free experience.

Here’s a guide on how to handle the closure of your parking lot for asphalt paving in Lubbock.

Prepare for Asphalt Contractors

Before parking lot paving can commence, ensure the pavement is thoroughly dry. Shut off the automatic sprinkler system to prevent interference during asphalt patch installation. Likewise, dry pavement is essential before initiating parking lot sealcoating.

Keep sprinkler systems off until the parking lot is ready to reopen for vehicles. If your commercial property is secured behind locked gates, ensure someone is available to grant access to the asphalt contractors.

Parking Lot Paving Lubbock TX

Alert Employees or Tenants

Communicate the duration of the parking lot closure to your employees or tenants. Provide instructions on whether they should use specific entrances or park in designated areas.

Freshly sealcoated sections can be reopened to pedestrians within a few hours and to vehicle traffic within 12 to 24 hours. Conversely, newly paved areas must remain closed to both types of traffic for at least 24 hours.

Given that asphalt paving involves machinery and a workforce, inform people about potentially increased noise levels outside. Transparent communication helps minimize noise-related concerns during parking lot repair or replacement.

Close One Section at a Time

For larger parking lots with multiple entrances and exits, Zahn Paving may suggest dividing the lot into sections. This enables tenants, employees, or customers to utilize different areas while one section undergoes temporary closure for paving.

Upon completion of work on a specific section, it can be reopened, allowing you to manage the inconvenience to you and your customers efficiently.

Parking Lot Paving Lubbock TX

Work outside Business Hours

Coordinate with your asphalt paving contractor to schedule work during off-peak hours. If your business operates from 9 am to 6 pm, explore the possibility of paving after 6 pm. Keep in mind that contractors have varying schedules and other projects, which may impact their availability.

The timing of the parking lot closure depends on the contractor’s schedule, the nature of the work, and prevailing weather conditions. For instance, Zahn Paving won’t initiate parking lot resurfacing during rainfall.

Upon completion of work on a specific section, it can be reopened, allowing you to manage the inconvenience to you and your customers efficiently.

Request a Free Estimate

Zahn Paving, your trusted asphalt contractor in Lubbock, TX, is dedicated to ensuring the longevity of your parking lots. To inquire about a free estimate for asphalt sealcoating and paving, reach out to Zahn Paving at (806) 748-1877.